Sunday, June 7, 2015

Neo | Evade Revolution | #1 rated script

Current features:
NEW FEATURE: Kalista passive completely reworked!  Kalista now takes full advantage of her dashes to avoid getting hit
NEW FEATURE: You can now double-click a skillshot with your left mouse, and it will instantly remove that skillshot. This is useful for some annoying stuff like Gragas barrel and Lux and traps
- Will use Kalista dashes/passive to evade
- Supports every skillshot in the game
- Will try to evade any skillshots enemies shoot at you
- Will try to evade as smoothly as possible, no matter how many skillshots are fired at you at once
- Will use Yasuo wall to defend against skillshots, when needed
- Will use dashes, blinks, ward jumps,  summoner spells, champion invulnerabilities, shields and spellshields to outplay your enemies
- Will use shields on teammates
- Uses Zhonyas  when stuff goes wrong
- Attempts to evade skillshots from Fog of War, when possible (I suggest you disable this though  biggrin.png)
- Will find optimal path around enemy skillshots (i.e. will walk around Lux E and other skillshots smoothly by just holding your orbwalker button in the direction you want to go)
- Has some hotkeys to turn things on and off
- Dynamic collision check for skillshots
- Fully customizable menu settings for each enemy skillshot
Fully customizablemenu settings for each of your evading spells, items, etc

Much more to come, stay tuned!

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